EDT is an (I.T.) consulting firm that specializes in the design and implementation of high-quality, creative information technology solutions for dynamic enterprises, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. With over two decades of knowledge in all facets of information technology, EDT meets your information technology needs with our highly trained experts from around the world, to meet your company’s needs. Their expertise and efficiency provide reliable performance solutions for your business to not only expand; but compete more effectively and cut expenses, making your company stronger and more productive.
EDT is now expanding its footprint through partnerships and subsidiary firms in order to better serve its domestic and worldwide client base.
EDT partners help shape and implement a wide range of information technology solutions, including custom tech solutions, enhancement of existing software applications, mobile app integration, database management systems, business intelligence, and IT security infrastructure development, using highly experienced, certified professionals from around the world and using the most innovative, reliable and best in-class tools.
EDT proudly serves a wide ranges of businesses and their needs from both the private sector, Non-profit and Fortune 500 corporations, in industries such as: Financial Services, Telecommunications, Non-Profit sector, Media, Construction, Hotels, Professional Services and Consumer Product companies.
We can help you increase revenue, reduce costs, improve customer service, improve workforce collaboration, and increase resource utilization.